Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Musings pt II

I'm taking this Control Engineering course here, taught by a (rather patriotic) Italian lecturer whos supposedly some genius (and he sure seems like one). Anyways, he wrote this in his notes Preface.

...These lecture notes are intended for a 3rd year, 20 hours course at the EEE Dept of Imperial College London. In addition, they can be partly used as material for 50 hours "Automatic Control" course at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. (The reason why similar topics are taught in such a diverse time range is, and will probably remain , a mistery (sic) to me, even after various years of experience with students and courses from both instituitions!)

Also, in NUS, we learn control engineering via the frequency approach. And this is what he said too

.... There are 2 kinds of control engineers. There are those who use the frequency approach, and then there are the control engineers. I think you all know what type I am.

And then he goes on in his routine rigourous abstract maths approach, leaving us stunned everytime. haha. But it's a fun course at least.

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