Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The day has come.

What an exciting day ahead.

No, its not because my last paper is within 4 hours away. After this silly exams has dragged on for so long (and quite disappointingly...), it's all gonna be over in a matter of hours. But, it's just the exams.

No, it's also not because of the French Open coming up, in an interesting time in the tennis world where Rafa's 81-match streak has just been broken and smashed by Roger. I won't read too much into that result, though undeniably the confident boost for Roger would be immense.

The REAL reason for today's excitement lies simply, in the ancient town of Athens.

AC Milan VS Liverpool FC !

UEFA champions league finals. These 2 clubs have so many European cups between them it's not possible to count with both hands. Both teams are looking up for the match, and believe me the hype here is really enormous. My hall is setting up a projection screen and broadcasting the match in the common room, and they're getting ready for the party should Liverpool win.

Well, I say. Save the money.

No doubt about Milan's win today. People say revenge is not on their mind. Bollocks. Revenge will be on their minds. A huge core of the current Milan team is made up of the same team in that infamous 2005 final. On their mouths, they speak professionally about Liverpool and say revenge is not such a important thing... but believe me it is THE motivation tonight. Bring the scousers to the slaughter!

Come on Milan! Kick their asses back to where they came from! (which is here...)

It's party time.

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